Purchase a bag of fresh produce for your family. Fair Food bags are available for $2.00/bag on the 1stand 3rdThursday of the month. Distribution begins at 2:00 pm until all the bags are sold. All bags sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Come meet our new Dental Director, Dr. Shelly Taylor, get a free oral health screening, enjoy some refreshments and meet the dental team. It’s a great way to get familiar with the dentist in a relaxing atmosphere. Dental staff will be onsite to answer questions, talk about dental hygiene and a chance to welcome Dr. Taylor.
All patients are welcome. We are also accepting new patients.
Click here for more information
Free, Drop-In Support!
Breastfeeding support group with trained, peer breastfeeding counselors. Bring questions and meet other families. All family members and caregivers welcome.
Spanish and Portuguese translation available

It’s Patient Appreciation Day.
Stop by and find out how to use basil and mint for seasonings in easy to make recipes. There will be refreshments, raffles and a chance to talk to our nutritionists. Walk away with helpful tips to stay refreshed and hydrated. Stop by the hydration stations and find out how easy it is to make flavored waters.